Eddie Rockets


Contact Details :

Address :

Phone : 057 866 4991

Website : http://www.eddierockets.ie/

Email : info@eddierockets.ie 

Socialize : Facebook Instagram

Opening Hours

Monday : 12noon - 10pm

Tuesday : 12noon - 10pm

Wednesday : 12noon - 10pm

Thursday : 12noon - 10pm

Friday : 12noon - 10pm

Saturday : 12noon - 10pm

Sunday : 12noon - 10pm

Additional Information

Eddie Rocket’s is about all things retro, fusing classic American fare with exciting new menu additions, all brought to you in a feel good – fifties Diner.

Who’s Eddie ?

Born in 1989 in South Anne Street, Dublin and although only a young man he has always had an obsession with fifties, feel good retro America.

It is rumoured that Eddie was exposed to hours of Elvis tracks as a baby and daily reruns of ‘Happy Days’ as a young child. In his teens, Eddie also became fanatical about rockets, astronauts and outer space.

Eddie embarked on a mission to create a retro American style Diner and so began Eddie Rockets – the home of the perfect Hamburger!